Meet The Staff!!

Traci (Owner)
HI! I am Traci. 38 year old Wife and Mother of 3! One, many of you have met. Asha, my 20 year old daughter who is a proud employee of Doggie Goddess even before she was old enough to be on payroll! My boys are 7 (Brenden) & 9 (Chris Jr.) I have been married to my husband since December 2011 and we have been together since September 2007! WHEW!
We have 4 dogs of our own, this cutie pictured is not one of them, lol. But you have seen the three black stallions roaming the facility! Those three great danes are ours. Diesel, Rudy, and Diva! And the smallest little sister is Ladybug our Cavalier.
About me. I started working with dogs in 2003 shortly after having Asha at the age of 18! I worked at a VCA animal hospital from 2003-2004 and advanced to working at my first doggie daycare that was cagefree! VCA provided daycare/boarding services but not cagefree. I was employed at the previous doggie daycare from 2004-2009! I worked my way up to assistant manager but unfortunately things weren't working out when management above me started to change and to me forgot what we were all really there for...the dogs! I slowly started dog walking and pet sitting on the side (they knew this) I have always been so damn transparent! And before I knew it, in 2009, things didn't work out there, so I will keep detail to a minimum, but off I went! Now not knowing what my next move was, I continued to just walk and watch the few clients that I had. Before I knew it, clients from that previous job were finding me online and requesting ME! I was usually the go to there just like I am now! And before I knew it, I wondered, could I do this?! My husband and I worked tirelessly every single day dog walking, and pet sitting, driving here and there and everywhere! Some of you have known us since the beginning! Before our La Brea Location! Many of you found us at our La Brea location and we've grown together, and through the pandemic, look at Doggie Goddess now! I have never taken a day for granted! This business is my baby and to have the staff assistants that I have been blessed with that are just as eager to see the success of Doggie goddess just as much as me means the world to me. We love watching you all grown in confidence when it comes to the trust and care of your fur kids with us and I hope we continue to make memories with you all. I've watch clients get new fur kids after others crossed rainbow bridges, I've watched relationships grow, marriages happen, and bundles of Joys! We've shared stories, tears, words of encouragement, etc together. You are more than a client when you come in to Doggie goddess! WHEW! Ok, that was emotional to write. When the girls complete the assignment of their bios, I will include in each following newsletter. Thank you for reading!

Hello hello! My name is Lolarose. I was born and raised here in Los Angeles. I am so stoked to be working with Traci and the girls at DG. We make a great team and I’m constantly in awe of how BADASS it is to work with such a powerful team of women and such a ridiculously cute pack of pups. Everyday here brings new adventures, smiles for miles, and endless joy!

Yadira (Manager)
Hello hello helloo hellooo and welcome! My name is Yadira.I’m currently 29 years old. I have been with Traci the Doggie Goddess herself since 2019, and allow me to tell you, I never thought I would find a place where my passion and heart can FINALLY SHINE AND GROW! Let me start from the top. I have always been around animals my whole life! From fishes to hamsters. From cats to dogs. From dogs to tigers. Oh yes.. yes I did! I said TIGERS! Allow me to give you an idea of how driven and serious I am when I say I am all ABOUT THE ANIMALS. Once upon a time, I used to manage a grocery store! I was offered a huge promotion and unfortunately, I do not want to be someone who is 30 years from now coming into work that I absolutely despise! I turned it down and told myself, it is time to follow your heart Yadira.. animals! Back in 2017, I found this nonprofit organization that is a beautiful sanctuary that helped and saved species such as exotic felines that allow people from all around the world to become volunteers; to come and help in anyway. Now we all know how little the numbers have gone down the past years when it comes to these beautiful animals, SO OF COURSE I made the drive everyday at 4am to arrive at my destination that took 2-3 hours every morning! Ooooowwwweeeeeee! But it was so worth it!!! At the time I did not own my own vehicle, I did not have anything titled to my name, I did not have any money but a little help for gas. I told myself I want to help make a difference, I need to feel I N V O L V E D! I need to feel like I can help those who are also trying their hardest to make a C H A N G E! Anywho, I did this voluntarily work for about 7 months to a year. What did I do? Well, if you must know, I used to food prep for all of the exotic felines on site and personally feed them their dinners! ( safety procedures of course ) What did I prep for dinner? Lets just say… its the circle of life :) along with the opportunity of food prepping; a tiger by the name of Jango decided that he was very pleased with his “temporarily” new food handler.. and of course we bonded. I was offered an opportunity to finally do what I always wanted to do, to make a difference in the animal world. Unfortunately, as much as this even hurts to type this… sometimes when your dreams are handed to you, it is not always the right time. Especially when you have no money and you do not own your personal vehicle to guarantee such a huge responsibility.. sadly, I had to turn it down and accept the fact that god had other plans for me. Don’t worry, I did not give up! I told myself.. there has to be another way! There just has to be someone out there who has the same passion, same devotion, that just wants to make a difference and G R O W! One day as I was scrolling down “indeed”, I found Doggie goddess’s ad. Of course I filled out an application and BAM! My very first phone call from Traci! I was so excited that day!! She set us up for an interview without knowing she set herself up with someone she’s going to be stuck with for 18361924 years! (; We had the LONGEST interview ever!!!!!!! I did not know that I was going to meet my other half! Someone who GETS IT! Someone who spoke the same language for these dogs, But in my ears “animals” in general. I told her I just want to make a difference, anything from rats to dogs from dogs to exotic species.. lol, I seriously just wanted ONE CHANCE. Where did that one chance lead me? Into working hard everyday, spreading my bubbly energy and all of the knowledge I know about dogs and animals in general. To help clients and dogs understand one another. To see the beautiful transition from one shy pup turning into “omg you guys understand me! I can totally be a dog here, now look at me go!” Do you know how it feels to be apart of something so big like that? To have a huge IMPACT in one dogs life? To show you or anyone that this isn’t just a doggie daycare, its home. And I will say it again! To have the opportunity TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! It’s a beautiful feeling. To gain the respect and love from a pack of dogs is a HONOR but most of all, to have YOU witness it yourself. I thrive in what I do, and I am determined and excited to show those of you who would love to join our Dgps Family! I am very blessed to be apart of Doggie Goddess. I am even MORE grateful that I, Yadira am Doggie goddess’s Assistant Manager! I AM HONORED! I look forward to everyone who is reading this, that I get to meet you!! Thank you for reading :)

Bio coming soon!